Convert JPEG to PDF with our service
Let's take a brief view how our users can easily convert JPG picture or some other picture format to PDF:
- First of all, please, put your attention on the list of supported source formats:
- So, what can you do with image during the conversion process:
You can: set margins, select paper size, change image proportions within a page, rotate image
- At the moment you can convert either one image to PDF or made the bulk image conversion with a preliminary grouped images in one single archive. At the moment we support only Zip archives.

There are some set of factors which can result in the faulted conversion or convert to an improper way, like:
image size is too small, quality of the picture is bad and cannot be transformed without a quality loose
For the conversion you just have to browse for a document and press 'Convert' button. During the conversion process you will see the progress bar and the actual % of work done.
To check how it works, please, check out our page: Convert image to pdf format